From the “you got to be kidding me” department this morning is something called “The Governator.” I know that I’m stepping in a couple days late on this, but the non-sense that Arnold Schwarzenegger just launched is a head-scratcher. There are two videos on The RealGovernator’s YouTube Channel. The first is a retrospective of Arnold’s three major careers to date and the second is a cheesy animated trailer that teases his new Governator alter ego. The retrospective is okay if really just a mash-up that has been done better all over YouTube for years by rabid fans (are there still such fans out there?).
In conjunction with Stan Lee Comics, Arnold intends to reinvent himself once again this time as an Iron Manesque crime fighter. The trailer is just plain lame. Arnold plays himself in the upcoming toon promised for a 2012 release. The animated series, that reminds me of a mocking throwback to the likes of Captain Planet, is an outgrowth of his The Governator comic. And it screams ego-driven indulgence.
Below I’ve embedded the trailer from the YouTube channel. If Arnold makes this work it will be a real achievement. What we all want isn’t a rehash of the past out of the action star, but something new and interesting that uses his mammoth charisma. There are plenty of great stories by talented writers out there in need of a star as big as Schwarzenegger’s. Hopefully, we will see less “Governator” with his eventual big screen return.