Daily Dose: Bertolucci Tackles 3D

Bertolucci made the following observation (taken from the interview):

“I saw Avatar and I loved Avatar but I wondered why should 3D only be good for fantasy and science-fiction?” he said. “Imagine if (Federico Fellini’s) 8 1⁄2 was in 3D. Or Ingmar Bergman’s Persona would have been great in 3D.”

Bertolucci will shoot a 3D film called “Io e te” this fall. Read the short interview, the link is below, but it appears that the great director who gave us “Last Tango in Paris” and “The Last Emperor” will try to use the controversial 3D format in a dramatic narrative. Some purists might think this to be bad news, but I’m open to it, so long as it is a film shot in 3D and not post-converted just to bear the 3D designation in hopes of boosting the cost of a ticket.

Read the short interview piece from The Hollywood Reporter here: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/cannes-bernardo-bertolucci-187478